Herbal Facials

Herbal Facials


Herbal Facials

Herbal facials are a popular skincare treatment in Ayurveda. Herbal facials involve using natural herbs, oils, and other botanical ingredients to cleanse, exfoliate, and nourish the skin, promoting a healthy and radiant complexion. Ayurvedic herbal facials are believed to provide multiple benefits, including promoting healthy and glowing skin, balancing the doshas, detoxifying the skin, improving blood circulation, and reducing skin issues such as acne, blemishes, and uneven skin tone.

Ayurvedic herbal facial treatments are customised according to individual needs based on the person’s unique skin type, dosha (constitution), and any specific skin concerns they may have. The herbs used in these facials are carefully selected to address these concerns and promote optimal skin health. In an Ayurvedic facial, the herbs are often combined with other natural ingredients such as honey, milk, yoghurt, and oils to create customized herbal pastes or masks that are applied to the face and neck. Ayurvedic facials take into account an individual’s dosha, as well as their skin type, to create a customized facial that caters to their specific needs.

Herbal Facials

Ayurvedic herbal facials are believed to provide a range of benefits for the skin, including deep cleansing, exfoliation, hydration, and nourishment. These facials also help promote healthy blood circulation, improve skin tone and texture, balance the skin’s pH, and soothe and calm irritated skin. The herbs used in the facials are believed to have properties that can help reduce inflammation, detoxify the skin, promote collagen production, and slow down the ageing process. The herbs are often used as powders, pastes, or infused oils, which are applied to the face during the facial. The facial also involves the use of other Ayurvedic techniques such as gentle massage, steam, and warm compresses to further nourish and rejuvenate the skin.

Ayurvedic facials are beneficial not only for the skin but also for the mind and spirit. The use of herbs in the facial promotes a sense of relaxation, balance, and well-being, which is believed to enhance the overall effectiveness of the treatment.


Services We Offer

We offer a range of services that follow the medicines and methods that Ayurveda prescribes since ancient times.


Client Testimonials

We offer a range of services that follow the medicines and methods that Ayurveda prescribes since ancient times.