Experience Authentic Ayurveda for Lifelong Wellness

Expert Doctors and Therapists guide you through preventive and restorative treatments in a serene environment. Begin Your Healing Journey Now!

Welcome To Sookshma Ayurveda

Sookshma Ayurveda Clinic, located in Al Karama, is a traditional Ayurvedic clinic that offers healing therapies in a serene and holistic environment. Our centre is dedicated to providing exceptional care with the expertise of experienced Doctors and Therapists. Our vision is to offer lifelong health solutions, focusing on preventive and restorative measures, for our patient’s overall well-being. We are committed to delivering effective Ayurvedic treatments in Dubai that promote a healthy body, inside and out, through natural methods that are free from chemicals. We empower our patients to take ownership of their health and well-being.

Sookshma Ayurveda Clinic, located in Al Karama, is a traditional Ayurvedic clinic that offers healing therapies in a serene and holistic environment. Our centre is dedicated to providing exceptional care with the expertise of experienced Doctors and Therapists. Our vision is to offer lifelong health solutions, focusing on preventive and restorative measures, for our patient’s overall well-being. We are committed to delivering effective Ayurvedic treatments in Dubai that promote a healthy body, inside and out, through natural methods that are free from chemicals. We empower our patients to take ownership of their health and well-being.

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Naturally Effective Health Solutions

We offer a range of services that follow the medicines and methods that Ayurveda prescribes since ancient times.



Experience the power of Ayurveda in revitalizing stroke and paralysis recovery, harnessing ancient wisdom for holistic healing and renewed strength.



Discover relief from arthritis pain through Ayurveda, a time-tested approach that combines herbs, therapies, and lifestyle changes for lasting joint health.


Lower Back Pain

Ease lower back pain naturally with Ayurvedic treatments, utilizing a balanced blend of therapies, herbs, and lifestyle adjustments to restore harmony and comfort.



Soothe spondylosis with Ayurveda’s holistic approach, combining herbal remedies, therapeutic massages, and personalized dietary plans for effective relief and rejuvenation.



Experience relief from psoriasis through Ayurveda’s natural healing methods, incorporating herbal remedies, detoxification, and stress-reduction techniques for improved skin health.



Breathe freely with Ayurveda’s comprehensive treatment for sinusitis, utilizing herbal medicines, steam inhalation, and dietary adjustments to alleviate congestion and inflammation.



Ease sciatica pain with Ayurveda’s therapeutic remedies, including customized herbal formulations, soothing massages, and lifestyle modifications to promote healthy nerve function.


Varicose Ulcers

Restore leg health with Ayurveda’s natural remedies for varicose ulcers, employing herbal medicines, targeted massage, and personalized dietary recommendations to enhance circulation and healing.



Experience migraine relief through Ayurveda’s integrative approach, using herbal treatments, stress management techniques, and tailored dietary plans to alleviate pain and restore balance.


Services We Offer

We offer a range of services that follow the medicines and methods that Ayurveda prescribes since ancient times.

Doctor Consultation

Our expert doctors will assess an individual’s health and well-being, determine their unique constitution (prakriti) and imbalances (vikriti), and provide personalised recommendations for diet, lifestyle, herbal remedies, and other Ayurvedic therapies.


Elakizi Treatment

Elakizhi, also known as Ilakizhi or Patrapotala Sweda, is an effective Ayurvedic therapy that involves the use of herbal poultices made from a blend of medicinal herbs and powders. These poultices are heated in medicated oil and then gently massaged all over the body. This traditional Ayurvedic treatment aims to provide therapeutic benefits through the application of herbal poultices, which are known for their healing properties.


Shirodhara Treatment

Shirodhara, a revered Ayurvedic therapy, is a head massage that induces a profound state of relaxation in the body. This ancient treatment involves the gentle pouring of warm, aromatic, and medicated Ayurvedic oil, milk, or buttermilk in a rhythmic manner onto the forehead. The continuous flow of liquid onto the forehead is believed to stimulate the pituitary gland and help soothe the mind, body, and soul, resulting in instant rest, calmness, and rejuvenation.


Herbal Facials

Herbal facials are a sought-after skincare treatment in Ayurveda. In Ayurvedic herbal facials, a combination of herbal powders, pastes, and oils, along with specialized massage techniques, are utilized to provide nourishment, cleansing, and rejuvenation to the skin. These herbal concoctions are carefully selected to suit different skin types and concerns, and are applied to the face to promote optimal skin health.



Nasya is a potent Ayurvedic procedure that involves the administration of medicine through the nasal passage. It is a rejuvenating Panchakarma therapy, where carefully selected medicinal oils, herbs, or other therapeutic substances are applied through the nasal passages to address various health concerns related to the head, such as sinus congestion, allergies, headaches, and other respiratory issues.



Udwarthanam is an Ayurvedic massage technique that utilizes herbal powders and medicated oils to provide a deep tissue massage. This unique therapy involves upward strokes during the massage, making it distinct from other Ayurvedic massages that use downward strokes. Udwarthanam is often recommended as a daily routine in Ayurveda for promoting proper blood circulation and comprehensive detoxification of the body.



Why Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of medicine that takes into account the entirety of an individual, including their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects, with the goal of achieving holistic balance and well-being. It emphasizes identifying and addressing the underlying causes of health concerns, rather than solely treating symptoms. Moreover, Ayurveda aims to detect imbalances in the body and mind before they manifest as diseases or symptoms, and endeavours to restore equilibrium to prevent future health issues. By adopting a proactive and holistic approach, Ayurveda promotes overall wellness and long-term health.


The Knowledge Of Life

The term “Ayurveda” originates from Sanskrit, where “Ayur” translates to “life” and “Veda” signifies “knowledge” or “science.” Ayurveda is commonly known as the “science of life” or the “knowledge of life.” Ayurveda, which traces its roots back to ancient India more than 5,000 years ago, is recognized as one of the oldest holistic systems of medicine. It emphasizes the harmonious equilibrium of the mind, body, and spirit as the key to attaining optimal health and well-being. Ayurveda encompasses a wide range of health facets, including dietary recommendations, lifestyle practices, herbal remedies, detoxification techniques, yoga, meditation, and other holistic therapies. It prioritizes preventive measures and promoting overall well-being, rather than solely addressing diseases or symptoms.

As per Ayurvedic principles, each person is distinct and comprises three doshas, or energies, called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These doshas govern individuals’ physical, mental, and emotional traits, shaping their unique characteristics, tendencies, and susceptibilities. The aim of Ayurveda is to attain a harmonious balance of these doshas, believed to contribute to optimal health and well-being. Ayurvedic practitioners utilize a combination of observation, questioning, and pulse diagnosis to identify imbalances in the doshas. Based on their assessment, they create personalized treatment plans aimed at restoring balance.


Our Specialities

We offer a range of services that follow the medicines and methods that Ayurveda prescribes since ancient times.


Our Team

Meet our team of highly skilled and experienced Ayurvedic doctors, dedicated to offering personalized, holistic care for each of our patients in Dubai. With their deep knowledge of Ayurveda and commitment to health and wellness, they are instrumental in guiding you on your journey towards balance and well-being.

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Dr. Mizna


Dr. Mizna is a DHA-licensed, highly qualified ayurvedic doctor with excellent theoretical knowledge and the best clinical experience.

Her previous medical practice from Ayurvedic hospital, Kerala boosted her clinical skills in diagnosing and treating various musculoskeletal, dermatological,Gynaecological and gastrointestinal diseases. Dr. Mizna successfully handled two neurology projects under the government of Kerala. She is well experienced in all Ayurvedic panchakarma treatments and lifestyle disorders.

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Dr. Amrutha Gopalakrishnan


BAMS (Ayu). Clinical nutrition(VLCC), Social science and counselling skills (ARLT)

A DHA licensed physician, Dr Amrutha’s area of interests are in life-style diseases, bone/spinal related diseases, skin diseases, and gynaecological diseases. She has practiced in India for 3 years and has been practicing Ayurveda in the UAE for the last 7 years. She is well experienced in all Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments, special Ayurveda organic beauty therapies, Ayurvedic diet and Ayurvedic psychotherapy


Our Specialities

We offer a range of services that follow the medicines and methods that Ayurveda prescribes since ancient times.

Our Gallery

Explore our gallery to embark on a visual tour of our serene Ayurveda Center in Dubai, where traditional Ayurvedic principles blend seamlessly with state-of-the-art facilities. Each image offers a glimpse into our tranquil treatment rooms, therapeutic spaces, and the dedicated team that brings holistic wellness to life.


Client Testimonials

We offer a range of services that follow the medicines and methods that Ayurveda prescribes since ancient times.

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We offer a range of services that follow the medicines and methods that Ayurveda prescribes since ancient times.

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We offer a range of services that follow the medicines and methods that Ayurveda prescribes since ancient times.